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Climbing the mountains of code: a guide to Quick Sort for adventurous developers

Whether you are an experienced programmer or an explorer of the coding world, this guide will provide you with practical tools and useful tips to climb the mountains of coding and improve your development skills.

Written by:
Andrea Italiano

Andrea Italiano

Backend Junior
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Conquering the heights of code: mastering Quick Sort

Dear code explorer, are you ready for a new adventure in the world of programming? Welcome aboard for a challenge that will take you to the peaks of coding with our loyal companion, the Quick Sort algorithm!

Make a plan!

Before diving into the implementation of Quick Sort (want to know more about where Quick Sort came from? Check this out!), let's take a short break to plan our strategy. Make sure you have a basic understanding of Java and fundamental data structures like lists and how those work.

Understanding Quick Sort: the motto of this algorithm is "Divide et Impera"! With Quick Sort, we transform large sorting tasks into small, easily solvable problems, paving the way to consistency and speed.

The Art of Recursion: Quick Sort is a recursive algorithm, so please get accustomed to the concept of recursion.

To illustrate recursion, let's consider the following straightforward example.

To grasp the concept of recursion, picture yourself counting the stars in the vast extension of the night sky. This daunting task can be simplified by systematically dividing the sky into smaller, manageable segments and counting the stars within each segment. This iterative process of breaking down a complex problem into smaller, more manageable subproblems is the essence of recursion.

Get ready to dive into the depths of recursive calls and discover how this powerful tool can be used to solve complex problems.

Route Planning: Before you start writing code, draw a mental map of your algorithm. Think about how to split the arrays, how to sort the parts, and how you will combine everything to get the desired result.


Imagine having a hiking application that allows users to save and store their hikes data. In this context, the Quick Sort algorithm could be used to sort a list of hiking trails based on a hiking trail rate (let's incorporate the total number of kilometers as a key parameter to assess difficulty, for exemple).

Let's get started... Good luck!

The Code Unveiled

Now that we've prepared our equipment and mapped out the route, it's time to put ourselves to the test.

The code is just hidden, ready to be revealed with a touch of code artistry, it's up to you to discover where it is!

Quick Sort

Please note: you will find an explanation to each instruction related to the algorithm.

Hidden github link SoftwareDoctor/quick-sort-java (

How did we reach the top of our Quick Sort hiking tour?

Whether you found the hidden code or are still looking for it, I'll go and explain the pattern I used for the algorithm and what it consists of. The Lomuto partition scheme consists of selecting an element of the array as "pivot", identifying it as a reference point compared to the others, which will consequently be reorganized. Elements smaller than the pivot element will be placed to its left and those larger, to its right. The pivot itself is placed in its final position after all this partitioning.

Here is a brief description of the Lomuto partitioning process:

  • Choose an element as a pivot. This can be the first element of the array, the last element, or a random element.
  • Start by identifying two indicesi (initially set to -1) and j (initially set to 0).
  • Move i to the right and j to the left until i encounters an element greater than or equal to the pivot and j encounters an element less than or equal to the pivot.
  • If i is still less than j, swap the elements at positions i and j.
  • Continue repositioning i and j until i is less than or equal to j.
  • Finally, swap the pivot element with the element at position i, which will be its final position.

Quick Sort time complexity

Now that we have scaled the mountains of code and learned to master Quick Sort, it is also important to understand its timing characteristics defined as complex.

The term “complex” refers to the time it takes to execute an algorithm based on the size of its input and helps us understand how efficient it is.

Quick Sort is known for its incredible efficiency and when the array is divided into two approximately equal parts at each partition, the time complexity is O(nlogn) where n is the size of the array. However, it is good to remember that this case represents the best-case scenario.


As code explorers, after reaching the peaks of Quick Sort, we can only pause for a moment to appreciate the detailed map of our journey, which has guided us with the principle of 'Divide et Impera’. As Developers excelling at problem-solving, we recognize how essential it is to carefully analyze and program every single step of our journey.

May our exploratory spirit always lead us to new adventures and may our commitment to problem-solving continue to strengthen our coding skills. To our next adventure… and beyond!


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